
User Review for MPlayer for Windows

This package contains the latest builds of MPlayer for the Windows platform as well as SMPlayer and MPUI.

Thanks to the award-winning MPlayer engine, more than 192 Video- and 85 Audiocodecs are supported natively!

For maximum performance the package includes optimized MPlayer binaries for various CPU types.
Furthermore the Full-Package includes the Binary Codec Package to enable even more audio/video formats.

Everything in one self-contained download.


1. Package Contents

* MPlayer on Win32 by Sherpya, SVN-r32492 (2010-10-14)

* SMPlayer front-end by RVM, v0.6.9 (SVN-r3584)

* MPUI front-end by Martin Fiedler, v1.2-pre3 (Build 38)

* Binary Codecs for MPlayer (2007-10-07)

* Installer created with NSIS, v2.46

2. License
MPlayer – The Movie Player
Copyright (C) 2000-2009 MPlayer Team

SMPlayer front-end for MPlayer
Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Ricardo Villalba

MPUI – MPlayer for Windows
Copyright (C) 2005 Martin J. Fiedler

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


License Model: Free
Operation System: Windows 2000/XP/7
Publisher Website: http://mulder.dummwiedeutsch.de/home/?page=projects#mplayer

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User Reviews for MagicMirror

This free application uses any webcam connected to any computer.
Your face is distorted and displaced like in old circus.
You can choose one of five Magic Mirrors and then save this picture as a transparent PNG file streight on your disk!!

Try different Mirrors and produce as many funny pictures as you want to.
Cost: Free
Language: English
Version: 1.1
Platform: Linux | Mac | Windows
Requires: Adobe AIR 2.0

DIY Magic Mirror Source Code Overview

* The DIY Magic Mirror is written in Adobe Flash Action Script 3.0
* Adobe AIR is used which enables the DIY Magic Mirror to run on the PC, Mac, and Linux.
* All external Action Script libraries are provided including AS3Glue which enables Arduino communication to Flash and picasaflashapi which enables the DIY Magic Mirror to stream Picasa Web Albums.
* If you do modify the source code and feel it will benefit the community, please do send it in to us and we'll do our best to include in a future release.
* The program is currently 3,000+ lines of code.
* Here's some key pieces of the source code, it will give you a feel for how its coded and what you would need to understand in order to modify for your own use
* You'll need a copy of Adobe Flash Professional CS4 to open and modify the source code (.FLA file and action script file).

Source Code Files

mirror.fla - Flash File for Magic Mirror Main Program
mirror.as - ActionScript 3.0 File for Magic Mirror Main Program
configure.fla - Flash File for the Configuration Program
configure.as - ActionScript 3.0 File for the Configuration Program
diymagicmirror.p12 - certficiate you can use for the Adobe AIR build - the password is < mirror > in lowercase.
\sounds - various mp3 sound files used by the program, you can replace these with your own mp3's but you must use the same filename
\images - images used by the program, do not modify these files
\mac - files needed if your installation is on the Mac
\linux - files needed if your installation is on Linux
\Firmata2 - the program that needs to be uploaded to the Magic Mirror Sensor Hub/Arduino

Source Code Action Script 3.0 Libraries

\net - Enables the Arduino to talk to Flash via serproxy
\sk - Streaming pics from Picasa
MJPEG.as - Streaming video from an IP camera
\mx - used for formatting
\ascb - used for formatting and drawing
\com - used for formatting

Software Source Code Instructions

1. First install the DIY Magic Mirror software from http://diymagicmirror.com/install.html
2. Unzip the source code zip file to any directory on your computer.
3. From Adobe Flash CS4, open the file < configure.fla >.
4. From the Flash CS4 menu, choose < File > and < Publish Settings > and then click the folder below and navigate to your source code directory.

After selecting the directory, click < Save >.

Click < OK >.

5. From Adobe Flash CS4, open the file < mirror.fla > and repeat step 4 but save to the filename of < mirror > instead of < configure >.
6. From the Adobe Flash CS4 menu, click < File > and < AIR Settings > and click the < Select Icon Images > button.

Click the folder icon next to the 128 x 128 row.

Navigate to your source code directory and choose the < icons > directory.

Pick the corresponding icon and click < Open >.

Repeat for the other 3 icons and then click < OK > when done.

For the Digital signature, click < Change >.

Select your own certificate or you can use < diymagicmirror.p12 >.

The password is < mirror > in lowercase if using < diymagicmirror.p12 >.

7. Repeat step 6 for the file < mirror.fla >.

8. Launch the file C:\Program Files\DIY Magic Mirror\serproxy.exe or C:\Program Files\DIY Magic Mirror (x86)\serproxy.exe if your Windows OS is 64-bit. This must be running before you run the file < mirror.fla>.

9. From Adobe Flash CS4, open the file < configure.fla > and choose < Control > and < Test Movie > from the Adobe Flash CS4 main menu. If you don't have an Internet connection, you will get some errors which can ignore. You'll then see the configuration screen below and also the directory and file < diymagicmirror-settings\mirrorconfig.xml> > will be created in your "My Documents" directory. Next plug in your Magic Mirror Sensor Hub/Arduino and choose the correct dropdown port for the < Magic Mirror Sensor Hub Port > field and then < Save >.

10. From Adobe Flash CS4, open the file < mirror.fla > and choose < File > and < AIR Settings >. Select and delete the 5 directories below using the minus button and then add them all back using the folder icon with the plus button pointing them to the directory in your source code file location.

11. From the Adobe Flash CS4 menu with < mirror.fla > open, choose < Control > and < Test Movie >. If your Magic Mirror Sensor Hub/Arduino is plugged in and the correct port is set, you'll get:

If the Magic Mirror Sensor Hub is not plugged in or the wrong port is set, you'll get:

12. Assuming everything ran correctly, you can now make your changes to the files < configure.as > and < mirror.as >.

13. After you've made your changes and are ready to build your AIR install file, you can use the certificate < diymagicmirror.p12 > with the password of < mirror > in lowercase

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User Review for Cinepak

Cinepak was the primary video codec of early versions of QuickTime and Microsoft Video for Windows, but was later superseded by Sorenson Video, Intel Indeo, and most recently MPEG-4 and H.264. However, movies compressed with Cinepak are generally still playable in most media players (including the Microsft Windows Media Player).

If you already have Cinepak installed, you can update to our version just by copying ICCVID.DLL over the top of the copy you already have (in Win 9X, \windows\system; in Win NT/2K/XP, \winnt\system32).

If you do not already have Cinepak installed, then you did not choose to install the multimedia/video components when you installed Windows. In that case, the codec is not enough; you are missing a number of other files you need in order to view videos.

This is quite a commonly required codec that enables you to view video on your PC.

Cinepak was originally developed to play small movies on “early” computers with a single speed CD-ROM drive.

One of the chief reasons for this was its extremely low CPU requirements!:

The original name of this codec was CompactVideo, which is why its FourCC identifier is “CVID”.

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Tips for Using Adobe Photoshop

Here are some tips when using Adobe photoshop. You may find it extremely useful.

  • Fix the color
When you open existing graphics in Photoshop, you would have noticed drastic color shifts. The new color management system used in Photoshop reinterprets files by default. If you work with Web graphics, you need to turn this feature off.
Open File > Color Settings > Profile Setup. Uncheck RGB under the embed profiles. Under assumed profiles, select non form the RGB dropdown. Under profile Mismatch Handling, select Ignore.
  • Positioning Object in the Center
When you need to position an image in the center of the canvas, all you have to do is to cut the object and paste it back. You don’t even need to calculate image parameters and reorganize the image accordingly.
  • Easter Egg
Hold down Ctrl and Alt on the keyboard and click on Help > About Photoshop. When the Strange cargo splash screen appears, type ‘burp’ and crate will open slightly with the Big electric Cat peeking out. Type the cat’s name – ‘Udo’ – to hear him meow. Press Alt to speed up the scrolling credits. Scroll to the end of the credits to see a name you may recognize. Strange Cargo and Big Electric Cat were the code name for Photoshop 5 and 4 respectively, while they were in development
  • Make a logo stamp
If you have on image that you use over and over again, such as a logo or signature, you can make it into a brush, when you create custom brushes from image files, Photoshop saves the image on your Brushes palette. Select the image, click on the Menu arrow on the Brushes palette and select Define Brush. The image now appears on the Brushes palette. You can use it just like any other brush.
  • When the Scratch is Full
If you get a warning on the screen like ‘You scratch disk is full’, you can free up some space by saving the file. However, Photoshop may not let you save it. Create small file, say 3×3 pixels and save it in Photoshop format. Photoshop will flush the scratch and you will be able to save the file that you are working.
  • Make it an Action item.
Actions automate routine tasks and save a lot of time, To create and Action, click on the Menu arrow on the Action palette and click on New Action. Click Record to start recording and carry out all the steps for the action. When you finish, click on the Stop button on the Action palette. To repeat the Action, select it and click on the Play button on the palette.
  • Save photo as Gifs
Photoshop has improved index color conversion, which allows higher quality 8-bit, 256-color conversions from 24-bit image. Although photographs are normally saved as Jpeg images, the improved color conversion makes it worthwhile to convert them to Gifs for Web use. This reduced file size while retaining image quality. To save an image as Gif, click on File > Export > GIF89a Export


K-Lite Mega Codec Pack

K-Lite Codec Pack is a collection of DirectShow filters, VFW/ACM codecs, and tools. Codecs and DirectShow filters are needed for encoding and decoding audio and video formats. The K-Lite Codec Pack is designed as a user-friendly solution for playing all your audio and movie files. With the K-Lite Codec Pack you should be able to play all the popular audio and video formats and even several less common formats.

The K-Lite Codec Pack has a couple of major advantages compared to other codec packs:

  • It it always very up-to-date with the latest versions of the codecs.
  • It is very user-friendly and the installation is fully customizable, meaning that you can install only those components that you really want.
  • It has been very well tested, so that the package doesn´t contain any conflicting codecs.
  • It is a very complete package, containing everything you need to play your movies.

This Full Pack contains even more codecs. It also has encoding support for various formats. This package is for power users and people who do their own encodings

Contents of K-Lite Mega Codec Pack:


  • Media Player Classic Homecinema [version 1.4.2689]
  • Media Player Classic Homecinema [version 1.2.1008.0]
  • Media Player Classic [version rev. 107]


  • ffdshow [revision 3612]
  • ffdshow VFW interface

DirectShow video decoding filters:

  • XviD [version 1.2.2]
  • On2 VP7 [version]
  • MPEG-2 (Cyberlink) [version]
  • MPEG-2 (DScaler5) [version]

DirectShow audio decoding filters:

  • AC3/DTS/LPCM (AC3Filter) [version 1.63b]
  • Vorbis (CoreVorbis) [version]
  • AAC (MONOGRAM) [version]

DirectShow audio parsers:

  • FLAC (madFLAC) [version 1.9]
  • WavPack (CoreWavPack) [version 1.1.1]
  • MusePack (MONOGRAM) [version |]
  • Monkey’s Audio (DCoder) [version 1.0]
  • OptimFROG (RadLight) [version]
  • AMR (MONOGRAM) [version]
  • DC-Bass Source [version 1.2.0]
  • AC3/DTS Source (AC3File) [version 0.7b]

DirectShow source filters:

  • Haali Media Splitter [version]
  • AVI splitter (Gabest) [version 1.4.2689.0]
  • MP4 splitter (Gabest) [version 1.4.2689.0]
  • Matroska splitter (Gabest) [version 1.4.2689.0]
  • Ogg splitter (Gabest) [version 1.4.2689.0]
  • MPEG PS/TS splitter (Gabest) [version 1.4.2689.0]
  • FLV splitter (Gabest) [version 1.4.2689.0]
  • RealMedia splitter (Gabest) [version 1.4.2689.0]
  • CDXA Reader (Gabest) [version 1.4.2689.0]

DirectShow subtitle filter:

  • DirectVobSub (a.k.a. VSFilter) [version]
  • DirectVobSub (a.k.a. VSFilter) [version 2.33]

Other filters:

  • Haali Video Renderer [version]

VFW video codecs:

  • XviD [version 1.2.2]
  • x264 [revision 1713]
  • On2 VP6 [version]
  • On2 VP7 [version]
  • Intel Indeo 4 [version]
  • Intel Indeo 5 [version 5.2562.15.54]
  • Intel I.263 [version]
  • huffyuv [version 2.1.1 CCE Patch 0.2.5]
  • DivX [version 3.11]
  • YV12 (Helix) [version 1.2]

ACM audio codecs:

  • MP3 (Fraunhofer) [version]
  • MP3 (LAME) [version 3.98.2]
  • AC3ACM [version 1.5]
  • Vorbis [version]
  • DivX WMA [version]


  • Codec Tweak Tool [version 4.5.4]
  • Win7DSFilterTweaker [version 3.7]
  • MediaInfo Lite [version 0.7.35]
  • GSpot Codec Information Appliance [version 2.70a]
  • VobSubStrip [version 0.11]
  • GraphStudio [version]
  • Haali Muxer
  • FourCC Changer
  • Bitrate Calculator

License Model: Free
Operation System: Windows 2000/XP/2003/vista
Publisher Website:

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Overview of Stanza

Read books on your iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad! Lexcycle Stanza brings the digital book revolution to your pocket with a reading interface that is unrivaled in its clarity and ease of use. With over 4 million downloads around the world, Stanza has become an iPhone phenomenon, and is featured as one of the top three Apple favorites in their “App Store Turns 1″ celebration.

Purchase popular new books from a selection of over 50,000 contemporary titles available in various partner stores, or choose from an additional 50,000 free classics and recent original works available from Project Gutenberg, Feedbooks, and many other sources. Store and categorize hundreds of books in the organizer, and transfer your own ePub, eReader, PDF, Comic Book Archive (CBR & CBZ), and DjVu books from your Mac or PC to Stanza by dragging & dropping the files into the “File Sharing” section of the “Apps” tab of your device in iTunes.

Stanza has been recognized by numerous organizations:

• Time Magazine lists Stanza as one of their “Top 11 iPhone Applications”
• Stanza is a PC Magazine “Editor’s Choice” and one of their “21 cool iPhone Apps”
• The New York Times features Stanza: “Tip of the Week: Turn Your iPhone Into an e-Book”
• Wired features Stanza in their “10 Most Awesome iPhone Apps of 2008″ article
• Forbes Magazine lauds Stanza, saying: “Stanza, like Kindle, lets users download new content directly to their device.”
• Apple lists Stanza in their collection of “iTunes 2008 Top Apps”
• Stanza is a Macworld reader’s favorite in: “Our Favorite iPhone Apps: Your turn”
• Stanza won the 2008 award for “Best Free App” at BestAppEver.com, where they write: “Stanza has redefined how everyone thinks about reading on a mobile device.”

Stanza has additionally been praised by CNET, the Washington Post, Ars Technica, the Boston Globe, Information Week, and PC Magazine's AppScout.

Your entire summer reading, your class syllabus for the whole year, all the reference material you will ever need: all at your fingertips. Literally.

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What's Acelp.net Codec?

ACELP.net Audio Codec is a speech codec for Windows Media Player, developed by VoiceAge.  ACELP.net, like prestigious standards such as EFR GSM, IS-136, TETRA, G.723.1, G.729 and G.729 Annex A, is based on ACELP technology. This state-of-the-art technology has now been adapted to meet the needs of IP networks and the PC platform by using an improved, net-adapted packetization method that outperforms conventional approaches.

The ACELP.net family includes:

  • A dual-rate codec (8.5/6.5 kbps)
  • A fixed-rate codec (5.0 kbps)
  • A wideband codec (16 kbps)

The dual-rate version of ACELP.net has the ability to switch bit rates on the fly to effectively handle network inconsistencies. ACELP.net provides toll-quality compression at 8.5 kbps and near-toll quality at lower rates.

The Development of ACELP.net Codec:

The ACELP.net family has already gained broad recognition, with ACELP.net being the preferred low bit rate speech codec in RealAudio® and being included in both Microsoft MediaPlayer and Audible ready equipment. This technology can be rapidly harnessed for applications such as broadcast over Internet (multicasting), multimedia email and multimedia conferencing.

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Tips for Adding Bookmark to iTunes File

Like to listen to some audio books when you are waiting for someone or bus? That’s a good idea to kill time.  But part of the problem is that when you check them out from the library or get them as a loaner from a friend, the MP3 files are missing one of the crucial features: bookmarks that let you pick up where you left off, rather than having to scan through the whole book.This works for video files as well (and is turned on by default in iTunes movie purchases).

Here, I would show you a simple way to tell iTunes to remember the last played position of any file.

First, find the file in iTunes and right click (or control-click) to bring up the contextual menu. Select “Get Info.”Then, the Options tab.

After that, every time you play that file, iTunes will automatically return you to the point where you left it.In addition, set the Media Kind to Audiobook in the Options tab and you won’t have to scan through all your music to find your files on your iDevice (or under the Books tab in iTunes). But,  if you change the Media Kind to Audiobook, Remember Position will be grayed out, as that’s a default feature for Audiobooks.

If you want to change multiple files at once:

Go to the  Options tab as normal and then click the checkbox next to Remember Position, and change the drop-down box to Yes. If you change the type to Audiobooks, the file will show up on your iDevice under the More button, not in a normal playlist.

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