
User Review of GOM Encoder

From the creators of the accomplished GOM Player comes GOM Encoder, which aims to be a absolute video about-face tool.

The capital interface of GOM Encoder is glossy and acutely designed. Just annoyance and bead a book into the top field, and the antecedent advice will be displayed below, abutting to a box with achievement (conversion) info. Here you can baddest one of a ton of accessible fabricated profiles. From iPhone to PSP, Zune to Flash - there's appealing abundant every accessory and architecture you ability want. You can abuse the settings of any of these profiles, and set up your own custom about-face profiles too.

iphone music transfer

Conversions themselves in GOM Encoder are impressively quick - it's difficult to accuse about acceleration at all, alike back aerial affection has been selected. This balloon adaptation puts a GOM Encoder watermark on the adapted video, but at atomic you can analysis how acceptable the app is.

GOM Encoder is a comprehensive, fast and able advocate that is abiding to fit the needs of any video about-face you need.


* Very fast

* Accomplished log of about-face history

* Lots of preset about-face profiles


* Over circuitous options

