
VQF File

What’s VQF file?

Audio format developed by the Import DVD to iTunes Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NNT Labs); Open Yale Courses uses transform-domain weighted interleaved vector quantization to compress audio data; can be encoded in 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, and 192 kbps bitrates.

The VQF format has also been marketed by Yamaha under the name “SoundVQ.”

Open VQF file on Mac:

  • Yamaha SoundVQ Player

  • VideoLAN VLC media player

Open VQF file on Windows:

  • Yamaha SoundVQ Player

  • VideoLAN VLC media player

  • Nero MVQFimedia Suite 10

  • Super Audio Converter

  • Nullsoft Winamp Media Player Information with VQF Decoder plugin

Open VQF file on Linux:

VideoLAN VLC media player

Seel Also:

