
Comic Life Mac

Comic Life is a absolutely fun appliance with which you can actualize comics out of your photos and images.

What I enjoyed best from the appliance is how accessible it is to assignment with. With this blazon of program, you're attractive to comedy about and Banana Life feels aloof like that. You can bound annoyance and bead your images assimilate the interface, align them in adjustment assimilate a page, annoyance bubbles and again access your text.

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Comic Life offers abounding shapes, forms and argument book with styles evocative of the best cartoons and comics. All can be abundantly customized to your aftertaste from the appearance attributes tab on the right. I additionally absolutely admired the best of filters, with which you can accord a altered aspect to your photos, like axis them into a arena from Sin City. If you don't appetite to get agitated abroad into editing, Banana Life additionally appearance endless of folio templates and capacity that you can alpha off with.

Importing pictures assimilate the awning is easy, as you'll alone charge to annoyance and bead them from your desktop or aces beeline from the examination area in the application. Even more, you can use your webcam or DV camera to booty snaps and column them anon into your banana strip.

The alone little downside to this app is that it sometimes uses up a little too abundant RAM.

Very automatic and loaded with features, Banana Life is a abundant way to accept fun with your pictures. It has all the bubbles, styles and fonts you'd apprehend to accomplish acceptable attractive comics. Highly recommended.


* Accessible editing

* Webcam capture

* Banana book and bubbles

* Abundant fun to use


* Can use a lot of RAM


