
MidiPiano Freeware

If you've consistently capital to apprentice the piano but don't appetite to advance in a absolute keyboard, you can consistently about-face your PC keyboard into a Piano! It's not ideal, but additionally not a bad way of arena simple melodies on your PC. MidiPiano is the neatest Windows app I've begin for this.

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Qwerty piano keyboard

MidiPiano has two windows, the keyboard with controls, and a piano cycle into which you can upload midi files. Back you almanac yourself playing, it's recorded actuality too, in midi format.

How to use MidiPiano

I've played a absolute piano a brace of times, and application a qwerty keyboard is a bit awkward in comparison! The blueprint runs the white keys forth four rows: starting at the basal with the Z to M keys, again continuing with A to L, Q to P and again 1 to 0.

The cursor keys, and numpad additionally let you run added up the keyboard, but it's abundant added adequate afraid to the four aboriginal rows. Black keys can be begin by application Ctrl additional any added key. Holding about-face allows you to comedy one agenda with the octave aloft at the aforementioned time. The almanac affection agreeably starts back you comedy your aboriginal note, and the midi book will accomplishment with your last.

MidiPiano is free, and doesn't crave installation. Check out my analysis and download MidiPiano here.

