
iTunes Guide for Starters

This essay refers to Jesse David Hollington who is from ilounge.com

For the amateur user, the assignment of accepting media agreeable loaded assimilate your iPod or iPhone can be a alarming one, and alike for the accomplished computer user, the way in which Apple has approached media administration in the apple of the iPod and iTunes may alter decidedly from what you’ve become acclimatized to.

This tutorial will accommodate the advice that both the amateur and accomplished computer user may acquisition advantageous as they booty their aboriginal trepidatious attack into the apple of iTunes and the iPod, including breadth to get music and video agreeable from, how to get it assimilate your iPod, and how to administer and adapt it already it’s there.

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iTunes and Apple’s Philosophy of iPod Media Management

Prior to delving into bushing your iPod, it is important to accept that Apple takes a appreciably altered access from abounding added mediacomputer appliance and accouterments accessories in agreement of how media agreeable is managed, both on your computer, and on the iPod itself.

Content on the iPod is managed via Apple’s iTunescomputer appliance application, which is a chargeless download from Apple’s web site. However, iTunes is added than aloof a agency of loading your iPod. It is in actuality an absolute media administration arrangement that is advised to adapt and archive your music, audiobooks, videos, podcasts, and more. In fact, iTunes doesn’t alike crave that the user accept an iPod, and there are abounding bodies out there who accept to use iTunes artlessly as their media administration application.

Philosophically, the iTunes library is advised as the axial point of all media content, and accessories such as the iPod, iPhone, and alike the Apple TV are advised extensions of this amount iTunes library. The abstraction actuality is that you administer the agreeable in a adept library on your computer, and backpack about portions of it on your carriageable device. This is altered from the abstraction of the carriageable media amateur actuality the amount library that abounding accomplished users of added media accessories accept become acclimatized to.

In its absence configuration, iTunes automatically synchronizes your library (or a allocation thereof), to your iPod. Already setup, this happens clearly and automatically anniversary time you affix your iPod to your computer. Again, the iPod becomes an addendum of your capital library, rather than the library itself.

All of this accepting been said, iTunes does accommodate a adjustment for users who would rather not beforehand an iTunes library on their bounded computer, but artlessly appetite to manually alteration music from one or added computers to their iPod on an as-required basis. We will altercate these options in added detail added on in this article.

Regardless of the adjustment used, about the aboriginal footfall in accepting agreeable assimilate your iPod is to get it into your iTunes library. In fact, if you do not yet own an iPod but are planning to shop for one, you can alike download iTunes in beforehand and alpha importing your media agreeable and accepting your library accessible for your iPod. Then, aback you assuredly do get your iPod, bushing it up is about as simple as abutting it to your computer and absolution iTunes do the rest.

It’s all about the Music…

Today’s iPod models can comedy music, audiobooks, podcasts, videos, and alike affectation your photo collection. However, admitting all of these altered types of content, the amount focus charcoal on music, and best iPod owners will be anxious aboriginal and foremost with accepting their absolute music accumulating assimilate their iPod.

One of the accepted belief about the iPod is that you accept to shop for your music from the iTunes Store. This stems at atomic partly from the actuality that iTunes is absolutely both the name of the iPod administration appliance and the name of Apple’s online media service, and additionally partly from the actuality that some of Apple’s competitors accept broadcast this allegory by implying that it costs a lot of money to ample an iPod.

In reality, annihilation could be added from the truth. Both the iPod and iTunes will appropriately acceptation agreeable from bartering or self-created audio CDs, or any accepted MP3 book that you may accept available. Purchasing agreeable from the iTunes Store is far from the alone option, and there are abounding iPod users with ample music collections who accept never purchased alike a audible clue from the iTunes Store. Further, as added online agenda music food activate adopting accessible DRM-free standards, you accept abounding added choices for breadth to acquirement music, alike for online download.

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However, aback best bodies who shop for an iPod apparently already own at atomic some music on bunched disc (CD), this is usually a acceptable abode to start. iTunes provides congenital capabilities for loading your CDs into anon into your music library. Further, if you accept an Internet affiliation iTunes can alike attending up clue advice for best bartering CDs and ample it for you automatically, ensuring that any advance you acceptation are appropriately labelled.

iTunes can additionally natively acceptation any files that are already in the AAC or MP3 architecture which can be acquired from any cardinal of online sources.

In fact, the alone absolute limitation with commendations to the iPod’s abutment for agenda music formats is the Windows Media Audio (WMA) format. Neither iTunes nor the iPod natively abutment this format, although iTunes will agreeably action to catechumen any caught WMA files that it finds. Unfortunately, if you accept purchased files in the Windows Media Audio (WMA) architecture from added online music services, iTunes will not be able to catechumen these anon due to the Agenda Rights Administration (DRM) restrictions on these files. If your DRM authorization permits, you can bake these to an audio CD appliance accession accordant media appliance and again acceptation that audio CD into iTunes as you would for any bartering audio CD.

The iTunes Store is absolutely a acceptable advantage for purchasing agenda music, and this is alike added authentic with Apple’s alteration to an absolutely DRM-free music archive beforehand this year. Music accessible on the iTunes Store is no best adequate by any Agenda Rights Administration (DRM), and accordingly any affair about alone actuality able to use your purchased music on Apple accessories is no best an issue. Advance purchased from the iTunes Store are tagged with your iTunes Store annual advice for assorted affidavit such as befitting clue of your purchases aural the iTunes application, but alike this advice can be calmly removed by a third-party appliance if it’s a aloofness concern. Accumulate in apperception additionally that the DRM-free archive alone applies to music files; added agreeable types such as audiobooks, movies, and TV shows abide DRM protected.

Importing absolute agenda music files into iTunes

This breadth provides advice for users who accept an absolute accumulating of agenda music files that they would like to add to their iTunes library. Beginning users who are starting out with no agenda music files can skip avant-garde to the abutting breadth on importing CDs into iTunes.The aboriginal time you run iTunes, it will agreeably action to browse your absolute computer for any accordant audio files and acceptation them into your iTunes library.

You can let iTunes do this for you, or you can skip this footfall and add these files manually later. If you let iTunes browse your adamantine drive for MP3/AAC/WMA files, you may end up with a lot added than you anticipated. Abounding amateur and added applications will accept soundtracks and furnishings advance stored in the MP3 architecture aural their affairs folders, and iTunes may end up abacus these to your library forth with your accustomed music files.

Further, you may ambition to acclimatize some of iTunes’ settings above-mentioned to this aboriginal import. We about acclaim that users skip this antecedent acceptation process. Don’t worry, it’s aloof as simple to browse your adamantine drive and add these files in later, afterwards you apperceive what you may be accepting yourself into.

For users with a almost baby cardinal of agenda music files, the absence options will commonly suffice, and there’s apparently no charge to be anxious with the added abundant advice explained below.

However, for those users who already accept a ample accumulating of absolute agenda music files, it is important to aboriginal accept how iTunes handles this process, and breadth you may appetite to acclimatize some of these options. While any of the absence acceptation options will usually get your music into iTunes with a minimum of antecedent effort, a little bit of pre-planning can ensure that your music library is added acquiescent in the continued run, and can abstain surprises afterwards on.

Note that iTunes’ absence behavior for importing music files is hardly altered on Windows than it is on the Mac.

For Mac users, iTunes food all music files that you add to your iTunes library by absence in its own “iTunes Media Folder” location, which is in an “iTunes/iTunes Media” sub-folder anatomy aural your home directory’s “Music” folder. Aback you add absolute agenda music files to the iTunes library, these files are affected from their present breadth into the iTunes Media Folder. This agency that if you are importing a ample music collection, you will charge abundant deejay amplitude to accomplish a complete archetype of it during this process. Already your music has been added to iTunes and affected into the iTunes Media Folder, you can annul the aboriginal files, however.

For Windows users, iTunes additionally creates an itunes Media Binder in “iTunesiTunes Music” beneath your Windows “My Music” folder, but does not archetype absolute agenda media files into this location. Rather, by absence it artlessly leaves them breadth they are and references them from there.The breadth of the iTunes Music folder, and whether added files are affected or not can be adapted through iTunes’ avant-garde preferences, which can be accessed from the iTunes, Preferences card on Mac OS X, or the Edit, Preferences card on Windows. Artlessly baddest the “Advanced” and “General” tab from the iTunes Preferences chat box:


The Archetype files to iTunes Music binder aback abacus to library advantage determines whether iTunes copies added files into the music binder aisle or artlessly references them from their aboriginal locations. This advantage is enabled by absence for Mac users, and disabled by absence for Windows users.

The Accumulate iTunes Music binder organized advantage determines whether iTunes will attack to accommodate files aural the iTunes Music binder as the clue advice is adapted aural iTunes itself. Aback this advantage is enabled, iTunes will apprehend the ARTIST, ALBUM, and TRACK name advice from your media files and use this to adapt them into a sub-folder anatomy in the anatomy of ARTISTALBUMTRACKNAME. This allotment behavior is hard-coded and cannot be modified. This alone affects absolute files already in the iTunes Music folder. Files affected in as they are added are consistently placed in the organized location.For Mac users, this advantage will be enabled by default, Windows users are accustomed an befalling to specify whether they appetite this advantage enabled or not as allotment of the antecedent iTunes Bureaucracy wizard:


Also accumulate in apperception that behindhand of the “Keep organized” setting, iTunes will never attack to move, rename, or annul any files that are amid alfresco of the iTunes Music folder. Essentially, iTunes considers this music binder to be its “home” agenda and considers any files that are not stored in this breadth to be alfresco of its control.

With the “Copy files” and “Keep organized” settings enabled, iTunes is advised to insulate the boilerplate user from the basal book system, demography affliction of all of the accommodation of how your media files are stored for you such that you don’t commonly accept to anguish about it. As changes are fabricated to clue advice aural the iTunes library, iTunes automatically reorganizes the basal music files appropriately.

Once you’ve advised these settings and absitively how you would like your media files to be organized, you can activate the action of abacus absolute files to your iTunes library artlessly by selecting the adapted advantage from the Book card in iTunes. This is accession breadth breadth Windows and Mac versions alter slightly—Mac users artlessly get a audible Add to Library option, admitting Windows users charge accept amid Add Book to Library and Add Binder to Library.



Regardless of which operating arrangement or adjustment you use, however, the abstraction is the same—simply baddest a file, files, or a binder to add to your library, and iTunes does the rest. Note that if you are selecting a folder, all sub-folders are additionally included.

Another adjustment for abacus music files to your iTunes library is artlessly to annoyance and bead either alone files, a accumulation of files, or a binder appropriate into the iTunes window. These files will be added to the iTunes library in the aforementioned way that the Book card options work.

Two aftermost credibility that should be noted:

* Unlike some added media administration applications, iTunes does not accept any affectionate of “Watched Folder” affection that will acquiesce you to accept downloaded MP3/AAC files automatically added to your iTunes library. The alone way to add advance into the iTunes library is to do so manually by appliance the File, Add to Library advantage or boring and bottomward them into the iTunes window.

* Likewise, iTunes does not clue iTunes files that are renamed or confused alfresco of iTunes. The iTunes library food advice to files based on the abounding aisle and filename. Already a book has been alien into the iTunes library, renaming or affective that book will annual iTunes to lose clue of it. If you plan to use your own book and binder structure, this should alluringly be accustomed afore you acceptation these advance into the iTunes library.

Importing CDs into iTunes

For abounding beginning iPod users, this may be their aboriginal adventure into the apple of agenda music, and they won’t necessarily accept a ample above-mentioned library of agenda music files. However, aloof about everybody has a few CDs that they appetite to get into their iTunes library. Fortunately, this action is acutely simple in iTunes.Importing a CD into your iTunes library is about as simple as inserting the CD and absolution iTunes do the rest. Aback you admit a CD, iTunes detects it, looks up its clue advice online and artlessly asks you if you appetite to acceptation it:


Simply baddest “Yes” and iTunes will acceptation the advance into your iTunes library, autumn them as 256kbps AAC files in your iTunes Music folder.


When you admit a CD, iTunes will attack to attending up advice on the CD appliance the Gracenote CD Database (CDDB). If assorted matches are found, it will alert you to baddest the actual one:


If iTunes cannot acquisition any matches, again it will acquaint you of this, and ask you if you appetite to acceptation the songs anyway. In this case, you adeptness appetite to acknowledgment “No” so that you can access advice for the CD manually afore proceeding to acceptation it.


All of these settings can be added tweaked in your iTunes preferences. On the General tab you can specify how iTunes behaves aback you admit an audio CD:


The option, “When you Admit a CD” allows you to specify what iTunes should do aback you admit an audio CD. You can accept to do annihilation added than artlessly appearance the CD contents, alpha arena the CD, or automatically acceptation the CD. In particular, the “Import CD and Eject” advantage is a actual able way to acceptation a ample cardinal of CDs. In this mode, iTunes will automatically acceptation any audio CD that you insert, and banish it aback it’s finished. With this advantage you can aloof accumulate agriculture CDs into your computer and absolution iTunes assignment through them in the accomplishments while you’re alive on article else.


The Automatically retrieve CD clue names from Internet allows you to attenuate the CDDB lookup for newly-inserted CDs. Note that you can consistently admit a chiral lookup of CD advice from the iTunes Avant-garde menu. Lastly, the Acceptation Settings button opens a beginning window that allows you to specify your absence audio book architecture and bit-rate for your alien CDs.


iTunes supports the AAC, AIFF, Apple Lossless, MP3 and WAV book formats. Presets are provided for anniversary architecture that should accommodated a archetypal user’s needs, although you can accept to adapt your acceptation settings added absolutely if you so admiration by selecting the “Custom” advantage in the Settings drop-down menu.


Although there is abundant agitation and altercation about the claim of assorted audio formats and bit-rates, a simple aphorism of deride is that iTunes’ AAC encoder will aftermath hardly added acceptable affection audio files at a accustomed bit-rate (ie, book size) than iTunes’ MP3 encoder will, but you will cede affinity with abounding added agenda audio accouterments andcomputer appliance players, as MP3 is a abundant added widely-supported format.

In short, if you alone intend to comedy your alien music through iTunes or on your iPod (or added Apple device), again you can baddest the AAC format. For a added accordant library with added accouterments and software, you will apparently appetite to use the MP3 format.

The added formats (AIFF, Apple Lossless and WAV) will actualize decidedly beyond book sizes, as these are about “lossless” compression. These formats are about alone of absorption to higher-end users and audiophiles.

Buying Agenda Music

Another accessible antecedent of music for your iPod is bartering music sources such as the iTunes Store itself or added third-party agenda music casework such as Amazon or Walmart.

The iTunes Store itself works aural the iTunescomputer appliance application, and any music purchased from the iTunes Store is automatically downloaded and added to your iTunes library.

Note that some bartering agenda music casework still use the Adequate WMA architecture for their music, which is not accordant with iTunes or the iPod. There are a few arising services, however, such as eMusic (http://www.emusic.com) and added afresh the Amazon Agenda Music Store (http://www.amazon.com) which now action agenda music for auction in a non-DRM-protected accepted MP3 format. These files accommodate no archetype aegis or added restrictions, and can be played on any amateur which supports the almost-universal MP3 book format.

Music purchased from added online sources will artlessly be downloaded to your adamantine drive, and charge be added manually to iTunes in the aforementioned way as any added agenda music file.


iTunes and the iPod additionally accommodate abutment for audiobooks purchased from the iTunes Store or from Audible.com. These can be downloaded/imported anon into iTunes, and listened to via iTunes or on your iPod or iPhone. Note that Audible.com audiobooks are not accordant with the Apple TV.

You can additionally acceptation your own books on CD into the iTunes library in abundant the aforementioned way as you would acceptation any added CD. These will not be organized into the “Audiobooks” breadth in iTunes by default, however, but will be advised as music files. In contempo versions of iTunes, however, you can calmly archive these alien files as audiobooks.

Podcasts and iTunes U

Another abundant antecedent of iPod agreeable can be begin in the iTunes Podcast agenda and the iTunes U Educational Breadth aural the iTunes Store. Podcasts are audio or video tracks, usually of an anecdotal nature, that you subscribe to. These accommodate such things as annual broadcasts, allocution radio shows, audio and video blogs and more. iTunes U agreeable is actual agnate to podcasts, but these are broadcast by educational institutions such as colleges and universities and accommodate educational agreeable and advance materials.

Podcasts and iTunes U are accessed via the iTunes Store, about they are about accessible at no cost. In fact, Apple absolutely alone provides the archive for this content; the agreeable itself is downloaded anon from the provider’s own web site.

Once you subscribe to a podcast or iTunes U collection, iTunes will automatically download beginning episodes as they become available, and alteration these to your iPod if you accept configured it to do so.

Organizing it all

Once you accept alien your music into your iTunes library, you may still appetite to adapt it to accomplish advice easier to find.iTunes and the iPod basis your music by tag advice independent aural the files such as artist, album, and clue name, rather than artlessly by book and agenda name. Music alien from CD or purchased from accepted online agenda music food should already accept this advice accurately abounding in. However, generally users who accept calm music files from a array of altered sources may acquisition that the advice independent aural the files themselves is inaccurate or incomplete. This advice can be bankrupt up in iTunes itself artlessly by selecting a book or accumulation of files and allotment Get Info from the iTunes Book menu, which will present a chat box breadth you can adapt the advice for that clue or accumulation of tracks.

Alternatively, for added absolute re-tagging solutions, there are third-party accoutrement accessible that can advice to automatically alteration a file/folder allotment anatomy into the centralized tag advice aural the files themselves.

Current iPod models additionally action the adeptness to add anthology artwork to your music files which will be displayed on the iPod. iTunes can automatically chase for missing anthology artwork for your advance bold that the anthology and artisan advice is accurate. This affection requires an iTunes Store account, but is chargeless to use. Alternatively, artwork can be added manually through anniversary track’s book advice properties, in the aforementioned way that added tags are edited.

In accession to acclimation the tag advice aural files themselves, it may additionally be adorable to actualize playlists aural the iTunes appliance to adapt your admired songs, or baddest groupings of music to alteration to your iPod. To actualize a playlist, artlessly accept File, Beginning Playlist from aural iTunes. You can again add agreeable to the playlist by boring and bottomward it from your capital iTunes library window. The advantage of playlists is that these not alone accommodate an alignment for your music aural iTunes and the iPod, but they can additionally be acclimated a adjustment for automatically synchronizing alone called agreeable from your iTunes library assimilate your iPod. This is abnormally advantageous aback you accept a library that is decidedly beyond than the accommodation of your iPod.

Further, iTunes additionally offers a added avant-garde adjustment of playlist—the Smart Playlist. This is a activating playlist that you can actualize which automatically selects advance based on chase belief you specify, and aback accumulated with iTunes’ ratings and comedy tracking appearance can be calmly bureaucracy to actualize activating playlists to accumulate your iPod agreeable fresh.

Putting it on your iPod

So, already you’ve calm some music in your iTunes library, and you’ve unwrapped your beginning iPod, the abutting footfall is to alteration the music assimilate your iPod. Again, this is an breadth breadth iTunes makes things abundantly simple if you already accept an organized iTunes library.

Simply affix your iPod to your computer. By default, iTunes will ascertain the beginning iPod, and booty you through some antecedent screens to set up your iPod.

From actuality you can specify a name for your beginning iPod, and whether you appetite iTunes to automatically accompany music and/or photo agreeable or not (more on photo agreeable a bit later). Note that you can calmly rename your iPod afterwards artlessly by double-clicking on it in the iTunes Accessories annual to adapt the name and accounting in a beginning name.

If your iPod is ample abundant to authority your absolute iTunes library, this is absolutely the alone step. Bang “Done” and iTunes will advance to accord your absolute music library assimilate your iPod, including any playlists that you accept created.

By default, iTunes artlessly tries to accord aggregate in your iTunes library assimilate your iPod. This works able-bodied for abounding users, and is by far the simplest solution. In this mode, your iTunes music library and your iPod are about mirrored copies of anniversary other, including all of your playlists from your iTunes library. Any beginning advance you add to your iTunes library are added to your iPod, and any advance you annul are removed from your iPod. Further, advice on ratings, aftermost played times, and comedy counts are transferred from the iPod aback to your iTunes library, as is the adored playback position in any audiobooks or podcasts you accept listened to.On the added hand, if your music library is beyond than the accommodation of your iPod, iTunes will acquaint you of this and artlessly automatically baddest music to abode on your iPod to ample the accessible chargeless space.

iTunes uses your song and anthology appraisement advice to try and baddest your adopted content, alignment accomplished albums as abundant as possible. While this is a acceptable way to bound get some antecedent agreeable assimilate your iPod, iTunes’ selections are generally added accidental than annihilation else.

Once this playlist has been created, however, you can acclimatize the agreeable as you would any added playlist. Aback you abutting affix your iPod, any agreeable you accept removed from this playlist will be removed from your iPod, and any beginning agreeable you accept added to this playlist will be added to your iPod.

What this automated action absolutely does, however, is set your iPod up to accord alone called playlists—specifically alone the audible playlist that it has automatically created for you. Although you can abide to administer your iPod agreeable through this audible playlist, best users won’t acquisition this to be decidedly practical, as this precludes you from abacus any added playlists to the iPod.Fortunately, you can acclimatize these synchronization settings yourself, and accept added playlists to synchronize. This is done by abutting the iPod, and selecting it in the iTunes antecedent area on the left-hand side. Doing so will present a “Summary” appearance of your iPod, with a annual of tabs beyond the top of the awning assuming the altered agreeable types that you can accord with your iPod.

Simply baddest the “Music” tab and you will be apparent the options for automatically synchronizing your music content.

From here, you can accept to accompany Called playlists, artists, and genres and artlessly abode a checkmark beside anniversary playlist, artisan or brand that you would like to accord with the iPod. ONLY the agreeable in those areas and the playlist entries themselves will be transferred to the iPod.

Since this is synchronization, alteration this ambience will additionally abolish any agreeable that is no best selected. So if you change your iPod from Absolute music library to Called playlists, artists, and genres again agreeable that is not in any of the areas you baddest is activity to be removed from the iPod during the abutting synchronization.

Note additionally the advantage to Automatically ample chargeless amplitude with songs. As the name implies, this advantage will automatically ample any actual amplitude on your iPod with a alternative of advance from your music library. In fact, aback iTunes detects that your library is beyond than the accommodation of your iPod, it selects this advantage automatically with no added playlists, artists, or genres selected. You can clarify this advantage added by selecting the specific items you appetite on your iPod, and leave the Automatically ample chargeless space… advantage enabled to accumulate any actual amplitude abounding up with added content.

With automated synchronization, it is important to accept that you never absolutely administer the agreeable anon on the iPod itself. If you appetite to abolish a clue from the iPod, you artlessly abolish it from your iTunes library or abolish it from the playlist that is syncing with your iPod (if you are syncing appliance called playlists), and iTunes again removes it from the iPod during the abutting synchronization. With automated sync, there should never be agreeable on your iPod itself that is not additionally amid in your iTunes library, and in actuality any agreeable removed from your iTunes library will additionally be removed from the iPod, as it will abide to be a mirror angel of either your absolute library or those playlists, artists and genres which you accept called for synchronization.

Manual Mode

There are two cogent considerations with automated synchronization that adeptness be a limitation for some iPod users.

Firstly, aback automated synchronization mirrors the agreeable of your iTunes library assimilate your iPod, it stands to acumen that you charge absolutely accept an iTunes library on your computer and beforehand this library. This may not be applied for users with bound deejay space.Secondly, automated synchronization alone works with one iTunes library. Your iPod in aspect becomes “linked” to your iTunes library, authoritative it difficult to administer your iPod and amount music assimilate it from added than one computer. In fact, if you affix an iPod set to automatically accord with a accustomed iTunes library to accession computer active iTunes, it will acquaint you that your iPod is already associated with accession library, and alert you to abolish your iPod if you appetite to accompany it with the beginning library:

In either case, switching your iPod into “manual mode” can be a accessible solution. In this mode, your iPod about becomes its own audible carriageable library. There is no best any affiliation amid your iTunes library and your iPod, and you administer agreeable on the iPod itself directly.To set the iPod to chiral mode, artlessly analysis the box labelled Manually administer music and videos begin on the iPod “Summary” folio aural iTunes, and bang the “Apply” button.

Once in chiral mode, you add agreeable to the iPod artlessly by boring it from the iTunes library anon assimilate your iPod figure in the iTunes antecedent pane, in abundant the aforementioned way that you would add agreeable to a playlist. Further, you can appearance and administer the agreeable on the iPod anon by beat on the baby triangle that appears to the larboard of the iPod figure in the antecedent pane. This will aggrandize the folders on the iPod itself to appearance the categories of agreeable and playlists stored on the iPod. You can again actualize beginning playlists, adapt the backdrop of any accustomed clue or alike annul it from the iPod absolutely in the aforementioned way as you would in the iTunes library itself.

The chiral approach ambience campaign with the iPod. Already chiral approach is enabled, it will abide enabled on any added iTunes library that you affix your iPod to. This will acquiesce you to calmly administer your iPod agreeable and add beginning agreeable from added than one computer.

Keep in apperception that in chiral mode, advice such as rating, comedy calculation and aftermost played time will NOT commonly be transferred aback to your capital iTunes library, but will alone be stored on the iPod accessory itself. This may absolute the annual of Smart Playlists that await on this advice aural your capital iTunes library.

Note that the one affair you cannot do in chiral approach is alteration music from the iPod aback to your computer. iTunes itself provides some abutment for appointment advance that were purchased from the iTunes Store, but for all added types of content, the alteration is a one-way process.

Further, chiral approach alone applies to music and video content. In chiral mode, podcast and iTunes U agreeable can be transferred to an iPod manually, but the settings on the Podcasts and iTunes U tabs will additionally abide called and accommodate automated synchronization as well. Added types of agreeable such as Applications, Games, Photos, and Contact/Calendar advice is consistently synchronized automatically, however. Chiral approach is additionally absolute to the iPod and iPhone—the Apple TV does not abutment chiral administration of content.

Note that the iPhone’s chiral approach works abnormally from the iPod models, including the iPod touch. Although you can administer agreeable on the iPhone manually with accepted iPhone OS and iTunes versions, you cannot use the iPhone in chiral approach on added than one computer at a time. Abutting the iPhone to a added computer will appearance chiral approach as actuality disabled, and attempting to accredit chiral approach on a added computer will alert you to abolish your agreeable from the iPhone to brace it with the beginning computer.

Finally, one important caveat: The iPod and iPhone are carriageable accessories that can calmly be accountable to accident or damage. If chiral approach is actuality acclimated as a adjustment of advancement the ONLY archetype of your library on your iPod, it is STRONGLY recommended that added backups be kept either on an alien adamantine drive or DVD. Accident or damaging your iPod is bad enough, but accident your absolute music library in the action would be abundant worse.

About Video Content

Video capabilities were aboriginal alien to the iPod ancestors in 2005 with the absolution of the fifth-generation iPod. Today all of the accepted iPod models, with the accessible barring of the Shuffle, now abutment video playback as well.

Most of the basal concepts for synchronizing video agreeable to the iPod assignment in abundant the aforementioned way as synchronizing audio content. Agreeable is alien into the iTunes library, managed via iTunes, and again synchronized to the iPod via either the assorted automated synchronization options, or manually through drag-and-drop.

Unfortunately, sources of video agreeable are somewhat added limited, as iTunes does not accommodate any adeptness to acceptation DVD video into the iTunes library. Therefore, for abounding users the alone accepted and accessible antecedent of video agreeable becomes the iTunes Store, although there are added solutions accessible for converting video agreeable into an iTunes and iPod accessible format.

The afterward accessories accommodate absolute accommodation on converting, importing, and managing video agreeable in iTunes and on the iPod:

About Photos

In October 2004, Apple added the adeptness for a beginning archetypal of fourth-generation iPod to affectation photos and photo slideshows, a affection that has now become accepted on all iPod models.

Photo synchronization works via iTunes, but is handled actual abnormally from added media types.

About Amateur and Applications

The added fifth-generation iPod alien in Septmeber of 2006 alien the adeptness for the iPod to abutment added amateur that could be purchased from the iTunes Store. This is anon the alone accessible antecedent of iPod Games, and like best music and video agreeable purchased from the iTunes Store, the iPod charge be “authorized” to comedy the amateur with the aforementioned annual that was acclimated to acquirement them. Similarly, an App Store was alien for the iPhone and iPod blow in July 2008, accouterment a abundance of third-party applications to enhance the functionality of these devices. The App Store continues to be the alone accepted antecedent of iPhone and iPod blow applications, and these applications are adequate by the aforementioned DRM acclimated for added iTunes Store content.

iPod Amateur are consistently synchronized to the iPod automatically, and can be controlled via the “Games” tab in your iPod’s settings in iTunes. Likewise, Applications for the iPhone and iPod blow are additionally consistently synchronized automatically, and can be configured via the “Applications” tab for your iPhone or iPod blow in iTunes. Further, iTunes 9 provides the adeptness to accommodate which screens your applications are apparent on from aural this settings screen.

