
What is Format Factory?

Format Factory is a free, fully-featured, advocate that enables you to catechumen audio, video, and alike images, amid the best accepted formats. These accommodate WMV, AVI, MPG, MP3, WMA, AAC, JPG, PNG, GIF, and abounding more. Better still, Architecture Factory supports media formats acclimated by best above carriageable devices, including PSP and iPhone.

(mts converter for mac | convert mts to mov | convert mts files)

Format Factory is actual accessible to use, although it does accept rather an unintuitive interface. The book browser doesn't arise until you baddest the ambition format, which is a bit awe-inspiring but as continued as you apperceive this aboriginal it's no problem. You can baddest alone files to convert, or complete folders, and additionally abuse some basal about-face settings.

Format Factory isn't decidedly aboriginal but what makes it absolutely advantageous is that it handles images as able-bodied as audio and video. Best converters like this alone handle audio and video, and abacus images to the mix gives it an edge, abnormally because it's free. I additionally like the Audio Joiner in Architecture Factory, which allows you to booty two abstracted clips, accompany them calm and again catechumen them. It would accept been nice to accept had preset profiles for adaptable conversions but you can't accept it all in a chargeless app sometimes.

Format Factory is an accomplished about-face apparatus for anyone that converts amid video, audio and images on a approved basis.


* Support for converting audio, video, and images

* Compatible with best carriageable devices


* Interface is a bit confusing

* Tries to actualize an eBay adjustment on installation

