
What happens when iPad outsells the Mac?

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Guess first. What happens back the iPad outsells the Mac?

The iPad, we can all accede by now, has been a affable accession to Apple’s artefact stable.

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Many who carefully watch Apple ample sales would be appealing good, but no one predicted Apple would advertise a whopping 7.33 actor of the touch-screen tablets during the aftermost three months of 2010, as the aggregation appear aftermost week. That’s abutting to acceleration the cardinal of Macs the aggregation awash during the aforementioned time, a adequately amazing accomplishment back you accede the time both accept been on the market. The iPad landed in April, while Apple’s been authoritative Macs for added than 25 years.

But alike admitting it sells added iPads, Apple still rakes in added money all-embracing on Macs than the touch-screen tablets: $5.4 billion in acquirement on desktops and laptops, $4.6 billion from iPads. But at the amount things are going–and with a additional iPad advancing out in the abutting few months–it’s not difficult to brainstorm that actual anon Apple will be accomplish added money on iPads than Macs.


Now here’s a annoying question: Is that a acceptable affair for Apple if iPad sales somehow eat into Mac sales?

For your boilerplate customer electronics accouterments company, this bearings could be adequately unnerving. That’s because the Mac, like abounding higher-end PC competitors, is a abundant added assisting artefact than the iPad. Apple keeps added of the all-embracing amount they allegation on a Mac ($999 and up) than they do on an iPad appropriate now ($499 to $829).

Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster estimates that Apple gets a 25 percent gross allowance on an iPad compared to a 40 percent gross allowance on a Mac. (That is to say, the aberration amid what Apple accuse for a accessory and what it costs them to absolutely accomplish it, disconnected by how abundant they allegation for it.) It’s not a absolute adding for assuming accumulation on a product, because it doesn’t annual for hidden costs above hardware–like analysis and development, marketing, overhead, and more. But it’s a acceptable adumbration of how assisting a accessory is.

Investors and banking analysts can get a little afraid back this happens to a aggregation they’re absorbed in too. Especially back the action of the beneath assisting product, like an iPad, can actor some of the aforementioned functions (e-mail, Web browsing, blockage Twitter, Facebook, and so on) of the far added assisting product, a MacBook. It inspires questions of how abundant the iPad is “cannibalizing” the Mac–or are bodies affairs an iPad instead of a Mac because it has abutting abundant appearance to what they want.

But that’s what sets the association in Cupertino afar from your boilerplate accessory maker. Apple isn’t aloof a accouterments company. And the iPad (and iPhone and iPod) accept been advised to accompany in alike added acquirement in a way the Mac, for now, does not.


“The iPad is not aloof a artefact that Apple makes and throws out there in the market. It’s a platform,” said Michael Cusumano, assistant of administration and engineering systems at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Sloan School of Management. “So there’s another means of authoritative money.”

That another actuality iTunes. And of course, that actual accepted App Store, the iBooks Store, and potentially bi-weekly and annual subscriptions, whenever that eventually gets off the ground.

And on agenda agreeable like you acquisition in iTunes, the margins “are acutely high,” acclaimed Cusumano. “Because these are authentic agenda goods. So you can’t aloof attending at the gross allowance of the artefact to accept the accomplished business archetypal that Apple has gotten itself into.”

So while the Mac ability accomplish the aggregation added money per unit, it can’t be counted on for barter to absorb as abundant on added items the way the iPad can. The Mac has iTunes, of course, but doesn’t affect assorted app purchases and e-books the way the iPad and iPhone do. Or at atomic not yet.

The Mac App Store, alien several weeks ago, is acutely advised to do the aforementioned thing: be a belvedere for Mac users to absorb added money on agenda goods.

Not accident sleep

While banking analysts may be anxious about what happens if bodies shop for an iPad instead of a Mac, Apple is allegedly not. In acknowledgment to questions from analysts during its balance alarm this week, Apple COO and acting CEO Tim Cook insisted he’s not “spending one minute cerebration about cannibalization.”

It’s article abounding PC makers that are additionally bearing full-size media tablets may accept to anguish about. According to Mika Katagawa at Gartner, as abundant as 10 percent of the PC bazaar “will be eaten up by the media tablet” by 2014.


While they won’t beat acceptable PCs completely, they will advertise well, she says. Tablets fabricated by added manufacturers may not appear with a commutual agenda belvedere that drives agreeable sales the way the iPad does. Sure, some tablets will accept the Android Market, but those profits go to Google and developers.

Further, Cook says he’s counting on the iPad (and the iPhone) accepting the aforementioned aftereffect that the aboriginal iPod did on Mac sales: it collection them up. Bodies who apparently had never acclimated a Mac went into an Apple Store to shop for an iPod and gave a Mac a spin.

iTunes is the key

But how continued can Apple accumulate up aerial margins on articles that boring get commoditized is a accurate question. As time goes on, the margins on affairs accouterments itself are activity to get lower and lower, and competitors will be able to cheaply carbon agnate stuff–see MacBook Pro lookalikes from HP and Dell, or about any MP3 amateur today.

It’s accessible that iTunes and its associated agreeable food will be area Apple makes a actual cogent block of its money someday, at atomic according to MIT assistant Cusumano, who researched the affair for his book. iTunes brought in $1.1 billion aftermost quarter. It’s awash 10 billion apps so far, and the Mac App Store is aloof accepting started. That cardinal is alone activity to rise, and it’s believable that anytime Apple could change approach on hardware, argues Cusumano.

“In abounding cases, they may end up giving abroad these accessories and authoritative all their money in iTunes,” he said.

It’s possible, of course, but not anybody agrees, decidedly because accouterments and its architecture at Apple is actual resource-intensive–lots of time and activity is placed on bearing accouterments of a assertive quality.

Arvind Bhambri, who teaches aggressive action at USC’s Marshall School of Business, thinks deeply chip accouterments andcomputer appliance is consistently gong to be Apple’s plan for advance because it’s what sets the aggregation apart.

“Because it’s their accouterments that’s active a lot of theircomputer appliance revenues. It’s a actual accommodating relationship,” he said. “It’s accepting one of the richest appliance platforms that makes their accouterments attractive. And alluringly advised accouterments is what brings bodies to their App Store to alpha with.”

Apple’s accretion assurance on the iPad, in added words, shouldn’t be a account for concern. The iPhone, afterwards all, has been its best accepted and assisting artefact for several years. What it does betoken is aloof how clear-sighted it was four years ago to bead “Computer” from Apple Inc.

